First off, a new band has approached on the horizon. Technically they aren't new, as I've known about them since I was introduced to Urban Outfitters playlists, but since that one song "hellhole ratrace" which was featured in "how I killed my bunny," things had been pretty quiet from the band titled "Girls."
Until I found
First thirty seconds or so are just high girls screaming, which usually wouldn't bode well. But this time they got it right. It's definitely an impressive group of musicians.
Are you ready for some awesome German stop-motion animation featuring rocks?!
It's titled "Das Rad" which totally looks like it would be called The Road BUT IT ISN'T. It's actually "The Wheel." So that's nice. Anyways, it was Oscar Nominated (2003 I think..? maybe 2001.) And after it didn't win...well. Not much happened. It only has 600 something views on youtube, which is a shame since it is such a fabulous film.
Speaking of animation..I've been animating! A new short film, which is kind of bad because that means I have little incentive in finishing the last one I started. I just grew out of the story really quickly, and it was hard to keep it going.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
It's About Time
I know, I know. I have been the king of blog laziness lately. I really have been meaning to blog, but I just never get around to actually doing it. This is the long awaited blog by John. I'm not sure how much I actually want to write about in this post, so I guess we'll just see what happens.
So yeah summer has been up and down. I get busy for a couple of days and then I have nothing to do for the next couple of days. I would say it has been a good summer though. Summer is coming to a close however. Only less than 4 weeks left. June is dead and gone, July is almost over, May was so long ago, now we just have august. I hate august. Just a bad month in my opinion. I just do not like the name and now that I am a college student I do not like what it brings. I still need to go about some Finance Association duties. That is also why I am dreading august. July is just so sweet.
Registering for classes this semester was even more stressful than last semester. I have a feeling that the semester after next semester will be even worse trying to register. It is a bad pattern. This semester I found out how truly bad and impacted business classes are at Fullerton. The classes I want fill up before I can register. Not the just the time I wanted, but all the times available for that particular class. It is amazingly sucky. So for this semester I had to settle big time to get a barely decent schedule. When I say settle I mean I have to go to school everyday, Monday through friday. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!. That is a commuter's worst nightmare! Not only commuters, but every college student! For me, if I lived near my school or if I lived on campus it would be alright. But I commute, and I commute earrrrllllyyyy. So yeah it sucks but I'll live.
Here is my schedule for next semester:
MWF Posc 100 (Political science) 9:00am - 9:50am
MWF Econ 201 (Microeconomics) 10:00am -10:50am (I have this class with Vinay)
MW Hesc 101 (Health science - Personal health) 1:00pm - 2:15pm (sounds easy)
TuTH Hist 180 (American History) 7:00am - 8:15am
TuTH Acct 201a (Financial Accounting) 8:30am - 9:45am
Ok I am tired and my mom keeps distracting me, so here is an informal writing list of other thoughts I was thinking about sharing in the blog:
1. I still have the goal to read the Road this summer but have not started said goal.
2. I have lost 12 pounds since schools end.
3. I have been slacking on the gym.
4. I stopped playing starcraft and have not found a steady new video game obsession. I keep bouncing around on different games.
5. Damn you ActivisionBlizzard will you just go up already.
6. I am thinking of selling tetratech stock.
7. I am fet up with college bookstore crap so I want to buy my books online this semester. anyone know any good websites?
8. I can't wait to try and make another group video.
9. The Mr.Noodle Hey ya song is stuck in my head.
10. I still like The Offspring.
11. It was my Mom's birthday on friday and I finally saw Harry Potter.
12. My bank account gets lower every day.
13. I saw this cheap but good laptop in a best buy ad and I am thinking about buying it.
Now that is a post.
So yeah summer has been up and down. I get busy for a couple of days and then I have nothing to do for the next couple of days. I would say it has been a good summer though. Summer is coming to a close however. Only less than 4 weeks left. June is dead and gone, July is almost over, May was so long ago, now we just have august. I hate august. Just a bad month in my opinion. I just do not like the name and now that I am a college student I do not like what it brings. I still need to go about some Finance Association duties. That is also why I am dreading august. July is just so sweet.
Registering for classes this semester was even more stressful than last semester. I have a feeling that the semester after next semester will be even worse trying to register. It is a bad pattern. This semester I found out how truly bad and impacted business classes are at Fullerton. The classes I want fill up before I can register. Not the just the time I wanted, but all the times available for that particular class. It is amazingly sucky. So for this semester I had to settle big time to get a barely decent schedule. When I say settle I mean I have to go to school everyday, Monday through friday. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!. That is a commuter's worst nightmare! Not only commuters, but every college student! For me, if I lived near my school or if I lived on campus it would be alright. But I commute, and I commute earrrrllllyyyy. So yeah it sucks but I'll live.
Here is my schedule for next semester:
MWF Posc 100 (Political science) 9:00am - 9:50am
MWF Econ 201 (Microeconomics) 10:00am -10:50am (I have this class with Vinay)
MW Hesc 101 (Health science - Personal health) 1:00pm - 2:15pm (sounds easy)
TuTH Hist 180 (American History) 7:00am - 8:15am
TuTH Acct 201a (Financial Accounting) 8:30am - 9:45am
Ok I am tired and my mom keeps distracting me, so here is an informal writing list of other thoughts I was thinking about sharing in the blog:
1. I still have the goal to read the Road this summer but have not started said goal.
2. I have lost 12 pounds since schools end.
3. I have been slacking on the gym.
4. I stopped playing starcraft and have not found a steady new video game obsession. I keep bouncing around on different games.
5. Damn you ActivisionBlizzard will you just go up already.
6. I am thinking of selling tetratech stock.
7. I am fet up with college bookstore crap so I want to buy my books online this semester. anyone know any good websites?
8. I can't wait to try and make another group video.
9. The Mr.Noodle Hey ya song is stuck in my head.
10. I still like The Offspring.
11. It was my Mom's birthday on friday and I finally saw Harry Potter.
12. My bank account gets lower every day.
13. I saw this cheap but good laptop in a best buy ad and I am thinking about buying it.
Now that is a post.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
James the Sloth. Jaloth. Slames. hahah slames.
It seems I've fallen into quite a slump of productivity. Partly to blame is Avatar the Last Airbender which I have finally gotten around to watching. Age of Empires/Advance Wars takes up a big piece of the pie chart too.
But this had led me to larger questions. Like what is there exactly to be productive about? Beats me. In any case, it seems I've lost the precious attribute of being okay with doing nothing. Those days are long gone.
I recently purchased 45 shares of Activision Blizzard, and so far it's been treating me pretty well. Apparently they announced a World of Warcraft movie tonight, so maybe it will go even higher tomorrow! It's exciting stuff. Especially when I'm not losing money.
School is coming down the road again. For the first time since last year I'm excited. Why? Well, I feel I somehow managed to botch my freshman year. I mean I could have done a lot worse, but it's just that there were so many opportunities to make friends and suck up to teachers that I feel I let pass me by. This summer has been filled with thoughts about things like that, and I now feel I could relate to a eager dad awaiting to bring his newbornchild to a crib from where to share with him all of the glorious wonders of the world. Eager, but not desperate. I'm beginning to think I should have signed up to be a Orientation Advisor. I could gather and herd all of the freshmen, and then I would have friends. Or better: a posse.
(I like blogging, it helps me clear my thoughts.)
But this had led me to larger questions. Like what is there exactly to be productive about? Beats me. In any case, it seems I've lost the precious attribute of being okay with doing nothing. Those days are long gone.
I recently purchased 45 shares of Activision Blizzard, and so far it's been treating me pretty well. Apparently they announced a World of Warcraft movie tonight, so maybe it will go even higher tomorrow! It's exciting stuff. Especially when I'm not losing money.
School is coming down the road again. For the first time since last year I'm excited. Why? Well, I feel I somehow managed to botch my freshman year. I mean I could have done a lot worse, but it's just that there were so many opportunities to make friends and suck up to teachers that I feel I let pass me by. This summer has been filled with thoughts about things like that, and I now feel I could relate to a eager dad awaiting to bring his newbornchild to a crib from where to share with him all of the glorious wonders of the world. Eager, but not desperate. I'm beginning to think I should have signed up to be a Orientation Advisor. I could gather and herd all of the freshmen, and then I would have friends. Or better: a posse.
(I like blogging, it helps me clear my thoughts.)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Over and Over
It's super freaking hot out. The sun has gone to bed but I cannot. Luckily I don't work in the AM tomorrow.
As a result of this inability to sleep(i wouldn't call it insomnia because I know Im not cool enough to be an insomniac)
I give you this post. And these videos
This band has really been my GO TO for late night listenings.
I like that.
One other thing that I always think of when I listen to this band is how awesomely cool they were at Weenie Roast. Not just in rocking out, but they really had a casual and humble demeanor. And I think, if this band were a person/its essence became embodied, this MANifestation would be a person that I would be very pleased to associate with.
Make sense.
I like how I made that not a question but a statement.
Incase you were wondering......the yosemite videos on the flip cameras are on standstill. I havent really had time to look/work on them. BUT because for some computer made thumbnails of the first images on the videos so heres some of know because we could always use more yosemite pictures!

Haven't had much time dedicated to reading. I could see that changing soon.
Oh also....I'm onto season 3 of AD. :)
You got it!
As a result of this inability to sleep(i wouldn't call it insomnia because I know Im not cool enough to be an insomniac)
I give you this post. And these videos
This band has really been my GO TO for late night listenings.
I like that.
One other thing that I always think of when I listen to this band is how awesomely cool they were at Weenie Roast. Not just in rocking out, but they really had a casual and humble demeanor. And I think, if this band were a person/its essence became embodied, this MANifestation would be a person that I would be very pleased to associate with.
Make sense.
I like how I made that not a question but a statement.
Incase you were wondering......the yosemite videos on the flip cameras are on standstill. I havent really had time to look/work on them. BUT because for some computer made thumbnails of the first images on the videos so heres some of know because we could always use more yosemite pictures!

Haven't had much time dedicated to reading. I could see that changing soon.
Oh also....I'm onto season 3 of AD. :)
You got it!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Fourth y'all.
This is going to be (most likely) the final scheduled post. The gang is going to meet and discuss options for the future of this blog. But do not fear! This does not mean less and uninteresting posts (well, no it does mean less) but the blogs are going to be much more worthwhile. Exciting!
On the flip (and funny/sad) side, all of that animation work I did for those people earlier this year evidently got scrapped. They took down the website and everything, and I'm worried it might be the end for those wonderful backgrounds and characters I created.
North Korea! Stay out of our country.
I watched W. last night. I really appreciated it. Josh Brolin was amazing. He's a good actor.
Okay, time for some fireworks!
This is going to be (most likely) the final scheduled post. The gang is going to meet and discuss options for the future of this blog. But do not fear! This does not mean less and uninteresting posts (well, no it does mean less) but the blogs are going to be much more worthwhile. Exciting!
On the flip (and funny/sad) side, all of that animation work I did for those people earlier this year evidently got scrapped. They took down the website and everything, and I'm worried it might be the end for those wonderful backgrounds and characters I created.
North Korea! Stay out of our country.
I watched W. last night. I really appreciated it. Josh Brolin was amazing. He's a good actor.
Okay, time for some fireworks!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Influenza Majorisims
I have been sick for the past two days. It has really taken a toll on my productions and goals. I have hope that I will be well by tomorrow night though. I agree with Michael that we need to lower the blog production whether it be once a week or blog when you want. We should have a meeting about that soon.

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Word Wars
July. June is gone. July. May is ancient history. July.We still have two good months to go. July. It's July!
As fast as time is going, time doesn't seem to be going that fast.
Like I feel that plenty of time has passed but plenty of time remains. Good and plenty.
So I've been thinking.
I've definitely been thinking. Lets see if I can give you any gracious examples of these funderful topics.
Youth/age/years: I know this has been a magically reoccurring theme in recent get-togethers but man oh man, we really don't fit the age we are. Or the preconceived notions of our age group. Thats something of a bittersweet victory. On the one hand we are of the most rebellious sorts! and rebel we must from Expectations and/or Predictability. But then on the flipside we are seen as youngish and naive. Of little worth or status. So you can see the conundrum created. At this point and time I suppose it is best to just wait it out. Take it for what its worth and in the end we will probably enjoy the lasting effects of a lasting youth....(cue the music!)
blah blah blah
i just considered erasing everything I wrote and just posting somewhat nots and whocares.
I guess ill skip the erasing but keep with the mindless posting.
but now I am mad.......embedding disabled upon request makes me mad.
that just means no weezer music videos for you.....
but now this makes me think....when I post a video who actually takes the time to watch it...Im going to guess that you click plays for a tad....and then it is stopped. and then forgotten. So is there a point? I would like to think so. I might actually still think so. but there is always doubt.
eh im not really worried though. because that would be
I think...we should switch to a blog when you want type deal. Personally I feel like it would bring about more interesting and fruitful posts. Just a suggestion.
if you couldn't tell I ran out of things to say back at the young stuff part.
I like ice cream. I wish i had some ice cream to eat right now.
ok. I've got to go. this has been rather comical/lackadaisical
I think I just figured out that this whole post has been an opportunity for me to use big words. BIG WORDS
but then I saw this
As fast as time is going, time doesn't seem to be going that fast.
Like I feel that plenty of time has passed but plenty of time remains. Good and plenty.
So I've been thinking.
I've definitely been thinking. Lets see if I can give you any gracious examples of these funderful topics.
Youth/age/years: I know this has been a magically reoccurring theme in recent get-togethers but man oh man, we really don't fit the age we are. Or the preconceived notions of our age group. Thats something of a bittersweet victory. On the one hand we are of the most rebellious sorts! and rebel we must from Expectations and/or Predictability. But then on the flipside we are seen as youngish and naive. Of little worth or status. So you can see the conundrum created. At this point and time I suppose it is best to just wait it out. Take it for what its worth and in the end we will probably enjoy the lasting effects of a lasting youth....(cue the music!)
blah blah blah
i just considered erasing everything I wrote and just posting somewhat nots and whocares.
I guess ill skip the erasing but keep with the mindless posting.
but now I am mad.......embedding disabled upon request makes me mad.
that just means no weezer music videos for you.....
but now this makes me think....when I post a video who actually takes the time to watch it...Im going to guess that you click plays for a tad....and then it is stopped. and then forgotten. So is there a point? I would like to think so. I might actually still think so. but there is always doubt.
eh im not really worried though. because that would be
I think...we should switch to a blog when you want type deal. Personally I feel like it would bring about more interesting and fruitful posts. Just a suggestion.
if you couldn't tell I ran out of things to say back at the young stuff part.
I like ice cream. I wish i had some ice cream to eat right now.
ok. I've got to go. this has been rather comical/lackadaisical
I think I just figured out that this whole post has been an opportunity for me to use big words. BIG WORDS
but then I saw this
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
What's my favorite animal? I don't know. But I think it would be awesome to be an animal that can swim. Like a fish. That would be tight. For a while. It would grow old quickly. Maybe like a seal. But they get eaten by sharks. And I wouldn't want to be a shark. I'd probably make a good eel.
This summer is weird. Last summer was also weird, but this summer is unacceptably weird. I'm getting absolutely NOTHING done with the googles of time of I have. I keep meaning to animate or draw, but that's just so haarddd. That isn't to say I haven't been keeping busy, quite the contrary in fact. I just haven't been producing anything.
I just don't feel interesting enough to do something cool.
Anyways, Conquer cards are alive and well. I'm going to try and get as many done this summer as possible because I know once school starts I'm definitely not going to be up to the task.
The thoughts of booster packs and Conquer tournaments woo my tender hearts strings, encouraging me picture by picture towards that elusive wonderful moment of final completion.
This summer is weird. Last summer was also weird, but this summer is unacceptably weird. I'm getting absolutely NOTHING done with the googles of time of I have. I keep meaning to animate or draw, but that's just so haarddd. That isn't to say I haven't been keeping busy, quite the contrary in fact. I just haven't been producing anything.
I just don't feel interesting enough to do something cool.
Anyways, Conquer cards are alive and well. I'm going to try and get as many done this summer as possible because I know once school starts I'm definitely not going to be up to the task.
The thoughts of booster packs and Conquer tournaments woo my tender hearts strings, encouraging me picture by picture towards that elusive wonderful moment of final completion.

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