Saturday, December 19, 2009


I've been working on this damn animation all day. I think I mentioned it before, it's the one I'm not getting paid for and is taking up a lot of time. Not to sound cynical or anything. Today was pretty much devoted to it. I'm like 95% done. I have to finish before I leave for Venice, but I'm shooting for before Christmas. The last 5% is essentially tying up the end and adding sound effects. Sound effects are really hard for me unfortunately, so it might take longer than I anticipated.

Let's see. So fall semester is done, that's pretty cool. I had to write 8000 words for creative writing, which consumed a lot of my life. I wrote some of the worst stories I have ever even imagined I could write. I even got an e-mail from the teacher telling me they were bad. I'm serious. You want to read them, you say? Well's one that didn't suck quite so hard. It's short, so you really don't have an excuse not to read it.

I got the blue screen of death today. I was so scared. I think everything's okay. I just don't want my computer to pull a John, as they say.

To 2010!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

An Update in the Life of James

So yeah. The blog. I guess it's time for an update. Everyone's so busy this time of year, but then you hit mid/late December and everything's better.

This semester has been such a drain, and not the fun kind of drain either. No, no, no. Mainly, I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to take two classes based around writing a lot at the same time. Screenwriting and Creative Writing; one might even confuse the two based on their names and the work they give.

What I'm definitely NOT happy about is that I have not been animating, AT ALL. Except I did today for the first time in a long while.


Last night I went to a animated short-film mini festival. It's becoming a tradition at Chapman, I think. Anyways, some of them were amazing, and are definitely blog worthy. I'm going to do three at once, based on what kind of mood you're in.

IF you are in an artsy-fartsy mood, and feel like staring at some beautiful drawings of birds I recommend:

the title translates to "According to Birds."

IF you are in the mood for a funny guy complaining about his job at a photo archive:

(That one is my personal favorite)

IF you want to watch a really creative one that makes you chuckle at its cleverness:

unfortunately that last one is just a snippet of the full.

Do you want to see some of my drawings? Of course you do.

That's a snippet of animation I'm doing for that job I'm not getting paid for and am soon quitting after I finish this project.

Those two are projects for school.

Mithaniel Marr is going to be so jealous.