All we talk about is blog blog blog, new media iPad blog blog blog web. So clearly it's awesome.
It also makes me think about this old blog. Good o' blog. Weblog. It still holds our memories guys.
To prove my point about the class here is one of our assignments:

Also I had sort of a milestone moment. (Side note, isn't milestone a great word. The literal origins of a mile marking stone entertain me. Just imagine how bored those traveler's children must have been to get super excited at seeing the mile stone! Progress)
I complete the quad of Parking Permit stickers:

What a perfect little foursquare.
We also got to check out iPads for the Journalism class. Not just check out like, "Hey Jimmy come check out my iPad."
We checked them out like a kid checks out a library book not like a dude checks out a chick.
It's sitting next to my iPhone and my Mac. Keep the Jobs alive.
So I didn't really tell anyone in this class that I blog, I have the capacity to blog. Personal blogs (or group in our case) seem different. Better but different.
So how are you all doing?
Listen to Feist.