In the class I mentioned in my previous post (what was that... a month ago? Oh 4) we did a decent amount of blogging. I liked making creative titles, swirling people around in my thoughts and arguments. I could pretend to be a professional, writing like I had an audience of intellectuals who'd roll their eyes along with me and laugh silently under their breath about the quip I made defending Tom Lutz and the printed word. In another one of my classes we talked heavily about writing, composition, and rhetoric. Rhetoric is king. Even just that statement, broken down--short, assigning supremacy, acting as if it is fact and not opinion--is rhetoric at work.
The one concept from that class that I keep turning back to in my mind is the role of academic discourse as well as abnormal discourse. What it really works out it is the way in which people push into ideas and concepts, get lost, get confused, make mistakes, say stupid things, say inspired things without a full meaning, and continue to carry these exclamations/proclamations with them in their minds until they reach a point of understanding. It all becomes a process in which you work through to better understand something, anything, and then reach a point of clarity where you can offer up a well-reasoned discussion.
If you apply this technique to almost anything in life it serves as a nice reminder that you've got to wade through a lot of unknowing (aka shit) before you can reach a point of clarity or dare I say.....TRUTH!
(I realize at the surface this can seem obvious and apparent but a lot of what I took from this class was the importance of breaking down the obvious, understanding it wholly, and then putting it back together in its apparent position)
I just wanted to share that with you guys. My 2+ audience members. Don't even get me started on audience.
This semester I found myself enjoying writing essays more than usual. In my post-modern Brit lit class I went to crazy lengths to develop a complex multi-layered thesis because deep down I wanted to writing something that put up a fight. Hurl any scoffs you might have at this moment because of my overt 'English major-ness.'
Looking down from space....2011 was actually a good year. I think people are giving it extra crap because nothing too spectacular happened. In the movie world we didn't get any groundbreaking releases. I avoid making lists. I don't think I saw enough films this year to make a top 10. But I can tell you, as of now, Drive is my clear favorite of the year.
I had sort of envisioned this as a year end wrap up post. But what do I have to wrap up? Life is still moving forward.

2011, two thousand and eleven, was a year of consistent living. Which is arguably better than a year of consistent dying.
Things start to make sense when you reach the end of one tunnel and prepare to go into another one.
The tunnel is a metaphor.
Penis doctor.