Well here's some artwork that has come out of the past month or so.

Well we're back in the swing of school by now, right? This semester is pretty good for me. I have a lot of enjoyable, major-related subjects. Well actually, no that's a lie. Only 3 of the 6 have anything to do with my major, but the other 3 are enjoyable classes.
I've been doing a lot of drawing. And a lot of animating. I'm a very, very slow animator though. It's been over a year since my last short. A year! I'm about 75 percent done with four separate shorts right now, but it's always the last 25 percent that's so hard.
Bioshock 2 comes out tomorrow!!! Or tonight. I really want to hit up a midnight opening, but I have no money. So it would not be very worthwhile.
I promise to try and blog soon. I just keep getting bogged down with school every time I feel like blogging.