January - Amazing
Februray - Not so great
March - Lame so far
If 2008 was the year of change, 2009 was idk, 2010 was the year of John, then I guess 2011 so far would be the subtle chaos. 2011 is full of joy, pain, and evolution for me. It has major highs and lows, which I am not used to. My emotions run deep this year as my life changes.
January (aka the good stuff)
I wrote a fairly heavily detailed memoir about My January. It started off in major detail and then as school began it just got highlights thrown into a word document. One of these days I will polish it a little more and let everyone read it. This is the memoir Michael referred to in one of his latest blogs. I apologize for never posting my memoirs or any blog post in general in a while. As my mom would say, "Life just gets in the way."
Anyways, my January this year has been the most exciting and new January I have ever had. It seems like a weird month to be exciting, but when everything is new it is. The month was comprised of major travel. I only slept in my own bed for maybe a week or less. My travels included:
Downtown San Diego/Chula Vista - 3 weeks on a Risk Bank Exam for work.
Big Bear - Skiing with Vinay and Jessica and FA retreat in the snow for a weekend.
San Luis Obisbo (however you spell it) - Weekend trip with parents to see sister's new school.
Caspers Regional Park, O.C. - Weekend trip with the Curb Rebels. Also a goodbye tribute to James as he departed to France.
As you can see I did some major traveling around southern California this January. I lived out of my suitcase pretty much. I wish I could go into super detail, as I experienced an immense amount of new things this January, but unfortunately I can't. To sum it up, here are some key words and phrases:
San Diego - Hotels, omeletts, intense bank exam work, great food and dining, leather jacket. The highlight of the month.
Big Bear - Vinay's inability to ski = funny. FA retreat in snow cool.
SLO - Lots of animals. Horses especially.
Caspers - Tank bombardments of cliff sides. Toads. Fun.
January 2011 will always live on in my memory as one of the best months of my 20 year old life.
Meh. School. Laziness. Just lots of mediocre stuff. some good, some bad, mostly below average.
March (the low point)
The end of February and March so far have been hell. I got the flu. Thanks for protecting me flu shot.... I got the flu on my three day weekend which was supposed to be used for recovering from my laziness and procrastination from the previous month. In sum, the flu fucked me over and I did horrible on my midterms. especially my ISDS test today. I did so bad on my ISDS test, I daydreamed about public suicide to protest the ridiculousness of the mandatory requirement for students to take a year of ISDS when it helps no one but get stupid foreign teachers a job. (as you can see this is the low points I was referring to in the previous paragraphs).
With one more midterm to go this week, I am motivated to do better in school, not for the fact that I want to, but because I have no choice or I fuck up my future career opportunities. I did the math, I know what I'm talking about. Stupid ISDS.
Let us move on to some happier thoughts.
Last Minute Thoughts:
Last weekend was pretty fun hanging out with Michael, going to FA broomball and getting some good SC2 in. Broomball was fun yet physically painful. Left 2 Die mod on SC2 got me in a tower defense mode.
Songs I've been listening to:
Shake Me Down - Cage the Elephant (Even on a cloudy day!)
Sick of You - Cake
Tighten Up - The Black Keys
I leave you with this:
Till we meet again.
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