First off: drawing.

Yeah, that's it. Dog-bat-human-grass mound. Creature. Awesome.
So, I picked a bone with an art teacher yesterday. He's one of those teacher's that I have a personality clash with, and as a result, he's been giving me substantially lower grades than what I feel was fair. I got back my art midterm, and he had given me a C. MADNESS! So I had an argument with him, and he wasn't prepared for it, and I raised my grade to an 84%. Pretty good, if I do say so myself.
One more day and then it's spring break. Most of you reading this have already had your spring break, which is odd, because my spring break is the only one so far that overlaps with Easter. So, day after tomorrow I'm heading to Virginia, where I'll be spending most of my time for the following days. I don't know how that will pan out, and I'm really not looking forwards to flying. Have you heard about of the plane crashes this year? It's ridiculous! I know the chances are slim, but just not slim enough. And I still need to pack.
My laptop gets really hot. I was helping a friend who was trying to print something off of her Mac and I was astounded by how cool to the touch it was. My laptop is like a little space heater 5 minutes after you turn it on, and I'm starting to question whether the touch-screen is worth it.
I had a macroeconomics midterm today. Easy A.
This what pretty far from what I was imagining the logo would look like. It's very Wes Anderson, but not so-much claymation that I'm used to. Which really sparks an interest in what the finished product is going to look like...
it's been a while.
This one is pretty out-there. The animation isn't all that complex, but the story and the way it's shown is so engaging that it doesn't really matter. So it's a definite recommendation.
yeah the graphic is a little cartoony but if there's anyone I trust with anything it's Wes Anderson. Anything!
ReplyDeleteAre you going to be able to blog while out of state? You will be right?
and yeah that grass monster...looks like it wants to eat the child version of me.
im proud of you for sticking up for yourself against those teachers. It seems you've been doing that a lot lately. Like when you sent that bitch teacher an angry email about getting out late. Good job. you pay big bucks, you have the right to demand better from your teachers! Damn i forgot you were going to Virgina over break. i need to do a last hangout before my break ends! o well have fun in the east.