My day
I woke up at 5:15 as usual today. Got ready faster than usual cause i needed to get gas before my 7:00 class. Went, got gas, made it to school on time. Geology time. We got our mid-terms back today. I was scared. I thought i bombed it. Geology is surprisingly pretty difficult. I got an 86%. Beautiful. I am so relieved about that. I really needed that strong B and i got it. Now the tone of the day is set. So now i go to history class. Mid-term today. Scary-ass shit. My second half of spring break was ruined because of this class. 90 questions + essay. It took me the entire 75mins, but man did i nail that test. There's nothing like feeling good about the test you just took. My day is official good in my standards. Even if the rest of the day is shit it was still a good day for me. After history i did some ping pong. I wiped the floor with Vinay. Another good ping pong match. Then after that i gymed. I was worried that the gym was going to destroy me because i hadn't been to the gym in two weeks. Well, it was just the opposite. I crushed the gym. I had unexpected energy. Did 25 or 26 mins on the stair climber, beating my record. 1800 steps. 250 more steps than the empire state building. I'm on a roll! So now i go home. I made myself a protein shake, watched an episode of 24, and relaxed a little. Time for my 3:00 veterinary visit. For those of you who don't know, let me tell you about the one thing many people don't know about me. I have a snake. A ball python to be precise. His name is Shibby. I've had him for close to 8 years now, and I've never had him checked out by a vet before. So i decided to get him looked at and get some questions i had answered. So i took him to the vet and learned some very interesting things about Shibby. Im sorry, did i say him? Well ladies and gentlemen, today i found out, SHIBBY IS A WOMAN! I'm kinda glad shibby's a girl because female ball pythons get longer than males. Almost up to 6 feet. Shibby is 3'3'' right now. The vet also said that I've been keeping good care of him because he is really healthy. Just yet another, Pleasant Surprise. After that i went home, took a 2 hour nap, ate dinner, and now I'm typing this blog. And that was my very good Tuesday.

Tid Bits
Ok moving on. I just have a few more little topics i wrote down a couple days ago that i wanted to discuss. I want to start by talking about the increase in picture posts in the blog. I'm loving the new large increase in the amount of pictures the blog has been getting. I think the pictures add a nice look and touch to the blog. Good stuff. I found myself using pics as a way to fill short blogs at first, but now i just think it livens up the blog. I always seem to have a picture section at the end of my posts and I think i will try to keep it up until I run out of cool pics to post.
I've run into a self dilemma lately. Last month I was bored in class a couple times and i had nothing to entertain myself. Then i started to think about what i used to do in high school before i had my ipod touch and stuff. DRAWING! I remember i used to draw all the time. So i got out some paper during my boring seminars and put the pen to the paper. My hand shook. Nothing came out. I was perplexed. I could not think of anything to draw. My art ability has always been challenged but i could always think of something to draw. Now i fear I am losing all creativity in myself. I am turning into a business man too quickly. I am losing creativity and fast. It's very quite sad. I look at my close friends and realize this is becoming true. I guess i can't compare myself to all my friends though. One of them is an art major so its his job to be creative and artistic. I just recently noticed this new development in myself and i hope to reverse it to some degree. My art teacher last semester said that she hates the educational system right now because it does stunt children's creativity and artistic ability at a young age. I believe it. The only things that i know for sure i can draw anytime is tanks and my "johnny" figure. Damn i thought i had a picture of that handy. I guess not. O well maybe another post.
I know I've been lacking some things in my blog that i promised. Such as a lot of Seinfeld references and tank of the week. Well all i can say is my life is not Seinfeld, even though i wish it was sometimes. As for tank of the week, i just haven't been getting around to it. I hope you don't mind. But if you have been waiting to see that new tank of the week and it is just killing you than by all means let me know and I'll make sure i get around to it. Also I've been lacking a little in the financial advice, but that's just because nothing much is happening there for me to update on. However, I must remind you all that it is TAX TIME! Tax returns are due April 15th. SO if you worked at any point in 2008, you best be getting your tax return done soon. Or pay the consequences. Big fines!
Alright i think I've been talking for too long so its time to call this post to an end. Thanks for reading! I'll leave you on a high note with some pictures i can come up with.
Live life, Love life. Just remember, when bad stuff happens to you, it just makes a great story to tell later. People rather hear a story where something bad happens than good. What a sick world. I love it!

Well i guess the Shibby pic is death....but death is a part of life!
I almost forgot,
Foreigner song of the day:
"Juke Box Hero"
MY FAVORITE Foreigner song and possibly the . A boy becomes enchanted and learns guitar. He triumphs and makes it to the top. He will never be forgotten. He is, The Juke Box Hero.
So much! Sounds like you had quite the dayful. I was still reading when Blake messaged me "SHIBBY IS A GIRL!??!?!" Lol. Now that's a revelation.
ReplyDeletethe mouse-kill pic is personally very disturbing.
But I'm happy to see you had a Juke Box Hero day, in these days of fleeting hope. You should doodle more. Philosophy provides the best chances for me!
Ohhh..the Shibby death pic is going to attract some PETA visitors.. At least we'll get more page views!
ReplyDeleteI kid.
But wow. A girl. I had a hunch all along..