Second. It's thursday, and by the state of California law i am required to make a post. What can I say to that.
This is an amazing trend

You may not know this but I was quite the Bambi fan as a child. But then who wasn't. It's just a great movie. With deer. And that Owl. WHOO-HOO!
I want to watch Coen Brothers movies in a marathon like fashion. Like an adventure timeline movie extravaganza.
But I might just end up watching No Country for Old Men.
I was on its IMDb page today and I saw the message board thing at the bottom. One topic was
"Worst Coen Bros. Movie to Date."
That was the title. Their post............"Discuss."
That's a pretty dumbass way to piss me off.
But once the initial anger subsides you realize a Troll is a Troll. And they must troll. Its what they do.
It's kinda crazy how much it happens. And kinda sick.
But if you want you can hear Kevin Smiths explanation of what he's had to deal with as far as internet comments and such go.
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