So where to begin. Today was an interesting day. The past couple days have been interesting actually. Lots of ups and downs. But mainly good ups. Like Saturday. A very good day/night. So much fun. I got some good pics that I will share later on. So yeah weekend was mainly good. But i did have to write a speech on Nuclear energy.....interesting to me, not to my fellow fullertonites. but who cares about them. Let me talk about yesterday before I get to today. As you should know by now, Mondays are my Finance Association club meeting days from 4-5pm. I forces me to stay at school even later than normal. but its good. Yesterdays meeting was very good. We had guest speakers from Wells Fargo. they talked about jobs in the company and it made me really consider becoming a teller the next time i go job hunting. But before the guest speakers got to speak, everyone had to do an icebreaker where we make a skit on a topic we were given. we had to work with the people sitting at our table. My topic was: Ethical Dilemmas in Finance. Oh Fuck right? what the hell do you do for that? but i thought of something really fast and it was the best skit there. My group won the pens....ohya! it was good. I'm King of Cash, its always good. I'm the funny freshman who does a better job than other people in finance clubs. On the topic of Finance club, I'm going to their potluck/tailgate/baseball game on Friday. I've never been to a Fullerton baseball game so it should be fun. It's also a good chance for me to talk to the board members too. Begin my networking web. Also, for you Seinfeld fans out there, our next guest speaker is an expert in the world of Risk Management. oh George Costanza. Hopefully somebody got that joke. i did promise you Seinfeld references in this blog so i have to live up to my word.
So off the topic of Finance, but staying on the topic of yesterday, I have one more thing to add. In sociology we watched a video on Mike Tyson. He gets so angry sometimes. The title of the video was Juvenile Delinquents: The Mike Tyson Story. very funny. He reminds me so much of a character named Balrog in Street fighter for the PS3. There is a striking resemblance......
OK. So lets talk about today. If you haven't noticed this is one of the first times I haven't used my traditional format with titled sections in my blog. Don't get too used to it. Today's an exception. So today. I was strangely optimistic when i woke up this morning. Usually when i wake up and look at my alarm clock flashing 5:15 i get a little angry. But not today. Which is weird, because today was nothing to be optimistic about. And you will see why. So today is Tuesday. 7:00 class; Geology. I usually struggle to stay awake, so i pounded down a monster during my 30 minute commute to Fullerton while blasting my stereo to some Golden Camry rock. It got me pretty awake, but geology is still geology so my energy level did go down from high to medium. better than low to sleep though like most days. mmkay? So after boring geology i strolled over to History class. Test today. nothing like a 90 question history test to make your day O so sweet. I'm not sure how i did. I either did really good or really bad. Don't you hate when that happens? OK so now we are done with school classes for the day. its about 9:45 now. So now i go over to the TSU Underground for some ping pong with the Vinay. When we play ping pong we do best of 7, 10 points each game. So we are playing and I have him pinned with 3 games john, 1 vinay. He needs to win the next 3 straight to beat me. Very hard. He beat me....yeah. and i had a $1.53 riding on that game. MMYYYY FFFIIIGGGHHHTTT MMMMOOOONNNEEEEYYYY!!!!!! Moving on, i went to the gym again today. Its been a week since i last went and it was tiring. That stair climber was not good to me today. after gym i went home. got home like 1:00pm. very tired. ate. read a little. now its time for........THE DENTIST! ( one of my favorite Seinfeld quotes: "I outta knock your teeth out you anti-dentite bastard.") Nothing like going to get 3 cavities filled. it actually wasn't that bad. my dentist is really good. didn't hurt to much. but i stayed numb for 5 hours after the procedure. really annoying. but that is not the worst part of this dentist visit. How many of you have had to pay for your dentistry? hmm? None of you? your parents pay, you say? well i got no such luck. I havent had a cavity in 6 years. but I'm 18 now. and my parents say, you gots to PAY! nothing like paying for physical pain. in case you were wondering what 3 cavities cost, $183. FML. So yeah today didn't treat me too well, but for some reason, I'm cool with it. My optimism is still with me to this second. and i have no idea why.
I have been depressed lately. Many of you know the love life of John Kisling isn't that vibrant. but many of you know i try to improve this area of my life more than anything. Usually i would never talk about this, especially on a blog, but this has become a main topic in the blog of mind and its time to let you in a little. Let's just say this, i have mad many attempts at love. All of them failed. but each time i try, i get a little closer. And recently, my latest attempt got very close. but the closer i get to love, the harder i fall when i fail, usually resulting in a little depression. So if you ha vent guessed i obviously made a new attempt, and it failed. and this time came so close. that's why Ive been a little depressed at some points over the past week. that's all I'm willing to disclose about this subject. Nice guys finish last i guess.
Foreigner song of the day
If you have actually been listening to the songs i post, then good job. This has been my secret way of telling you the update on the last section. but now it over, so don't go thinking i just got a girlfriend when i post "JUKE BOX HERO" or "I'M GONNA WIN"
Final Foreigner song post that relates to my recent love life affair:
"Break it up"

wow. this post took me on a range of crazy emotions. The title scared me! The "FIGHT MONEY" quote got me in an epic lol. Then i was happy to hear you were happy. Then sad to hear you're still a little sad. And then the pictures at the end send me into joyous rage, especially the Group shot! We are some hip badasses. But the pic is a pretty great representation of us all.
ReplyDeleteI had a feeling something like that was going on. My sincerest sympathies.
ReplyDeleteThose are some pretty epic pictures though.
And that dentist payment is ridiculous. Your parents should have paid for that!