Anyways, recently I made a new account, and I'm actually quite impressed. They seem to have caught on and acquired some music I find enjoyable. Or maybe my music tastes have just changed. I don't know.
Uhm, let's see. Jaymay is a new singer/band that I like now. Let's see what Pandora has to say about them:

Hey, thanks Pandora!
It's funny how some kids just go so overboard with trying to be college..y. I mean, yeah, it's fun to be a college kid, but it seems to me that a lot of people just try and get the look and habits down without really doing much of the college part of it. Like homework. Essays, projects, studying. Instead we have flip-flops. Thermos of coffee. Pens, quasi-reliable newspaper, salad in tupperware. Khaki shorts.
I don't know. Maybe I'm too judgemental.
I think I'm getting a sore throat. Let me rephrase. I have a sore throat. But I can't tell if it's going to be a long-term thing I need to worry about.
The class average on my econ test was a 69 percent. But he gave us the standard deviation of the scores too, which was 16 percent. 16!! That's the really scary bit. That means like half of the class was getting below a 69 percent. I got an 86, not to brag, but just because I know you're wondering.
Which puts me on the horribly stressful A-/B+ border, I'm sure most of us are familiar with.
I have more to say, but I need to leave for dinner..
So maybe I'll be back tonight to add.
And I'm back to add.

Just some sketches. I like the second one.
I have officially decided. I have a sore throat. And it hurts.
So that's not great.
I watched a movie this week called "The Fall." It was really good, and by the same guy who did Pan's Labyrinth and The Princess Bride.* Tarsem. Yeah, that's his name. I think a lot of it may have went over my head, but from what I gathered, I liked it. And would recommend, since it looks like it was very expensive to make and that it didn't make much money.
Speaking of movies that didn't make a lot of money
They even highlight the ones that did really poorly.
I show my movie tomorrow (I think.) We were supposed to watch it on Tuesday, but that didn't pan out. Hopefully, everything goes according to plan. I showed it to my InsideTrack coach Jessica. She thought it was sad. I'll let that sink in.
yeah, pretty much, I'm running out of things to say. But I want to keep typing so
Everytime I try and write something I'm distracted by how much my throat is annoying me. Sore throats are the worst, honestly. And I get so freaking many of them! And no one every believes me when I have a sore throat. But I just have to get through tomorrow, then I have to weekend to get my shit together, so to speak.
Oh no! that jessica lady is going to think all your friends are dead! hopefully she realizes the artistic intent.
ReplyDeleteand poor poor Zyzzyx Road. No movie should fail that bad. it pains me to look at that list.
also i don't know what you mean when you said Tarsem 'did' Pan's and Princess.
Oh, wow I was totally off.
ReplyDeleteYeah, just completely ignore what I said. I read something horrible wrong.