So yeah, I'm on SPRING BREAK!! and it feels so good. but ever since i got out of my last class it has been nonstop. Got out of class, went home in some traffic, got home, 5 mins later went back on the freeway up to Disneyland with James lonsert and tolga (we had to take an alternate route to D-land because there was a major accident on the northbound 5), got to D-land, had fun and ate and stuff, went to Albertaco's on the way home (surprisingly pretty good), got home around 8, interacted with parents, watched office, did a bunch of stuff on facebook, went to bed like 11:30 or something. So i was awake a little over 18 hours the whole day. I was exhausted. Got up at 12 today. Today was more running around doing errands. Got my allergy shot, got shibby mice, went to target, went to green thumb for gardening supplies, fed shibby, made brownies, watched Silver Streak, and now I'm here. Busy Busy Busy. but its good. good to be off from school. Disneyland was really fun. We went to Tom Sawyer's Island at one point, and i haven't been there since i was like 10 so that was interesting to see it again. I was upset to hear they changed it from tom sawyer's island to pirate's lair. how gay is that. they've made a lot of changes since the last time i was there and i was a little disappointed. my childhood memories are gone! too many changes. o well. its all in my mind now.
All in all its been a good start for spring break. I hope it stays good the rest of break. However, i have an excruciatingly large amount of hw to do this break. like i mean a shitload. BIG. so bad. but i decided not to even start to worry about it till Monday. that way i can enjoy the start of spring break and then deal with all the shit later. so i need to make these next couple days count. I don't think i will be at peace till summer. just too much school stuffs to worry about. ok to lighten the mood let me try and scrounge up a picture or something to post. I already posted all the D-land pics on facebook so hopefully i can find something good. And blogger hates my videos so I'm stuck with pics. but before i find a pic:
Foreigner song of the day:
A very good foreigner song. One of the best ones from their very first album.
For Blake:

George Costanza:

Sorry James had to post this when i found these:

Here's the first stage of my future garden that I'll be updating you on:

Auf Wiedersehen!
traffic. it was bad coming down here too. LA and OC traffic. But thats part of California. Lol...i forgot to get "mad" about you eating Mex and liking it!
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of brownies did u make? Remember our discussion of if our parents were to ask what we were doing in the garage? As to the mexican food it really wasnt mexicant :) more americanized.