We watched this animation in my class this week. We started watching it and I was like, "I know this song. I like this song." It's St. James Infirmary. My favorite version is by Jim Primrose, if you ever come across it.
But yeah, Betty Boop. Not so much.
I know many of the readers of this blog are expecting me to have a Watchmen post, but honestly, I don't have much to say about it. It was alright. It was kind of hokey. A good action-flick, not much more. Acting was awesome though.
If you read my other blog, you might remember me detailing a water-powered clock that just never seemed to run out of energy. Now I want to remind you that the average life span before refueling was supposed to be 2 weeks. It's been over 3 months, and it's showing no signs of stopping.
Yeah, so..
I have way too much crap. Honestly, I don't know where most of it comes from. It just of gathers if I don't pay attention for a while. Bleh, cords. I hate cords. Everything has its own special cord for power or transferring blah to blah, and there's just no way to keep it organized. And they get all tangled and you can never find the right one, and they are all black.
I'm in a pickle.
I don't like being at school, and I don't like being at home. I'm always so anxious to go to the one where I'm not, and it's very frustrating.
One could even say it's sucky.
Or that it sucks.
Today went really fast, and I didn't get a whole lot accomplished. I didn't really set out to though. And it's only 7, so I could start on something, but I just don't feel like it. I guess that makes me lazy. Bah.
I had a really weird experience this week.
I was sitting in my room studying when my roommate comes in, and starts complaining that he failed his math test. I didn't totally pay attention to him, but he was talking about how he was sure he had ADD and that was why he couldn't study.
I've heard that one before.
And then that he had tried to get a prescription for Adderall, but they made him go to some sort of academic coaching thing first. He said he couldn't stand it, and chose to just take the bad grades instead.
So anyways, I just kind of threw in some "yeah, totallys" in there. It was a rough week, and I didn't really feel like taking on someone else's issues.
And then he called his mom, and he told her about the test. And he said that he needed help and that he wanted to go back to the study group. And then he started crying. Well, maybe not crying. It was more like one or two heavy sobs, but I still felt pretty awful about it.
Not-failing is just one of those things that I've kind of come to take for granted. I don't feel better about myself when I get and A, because it just..doesn't really matter anymore. The only thing that DOES seem to have an influence on how I feel about myself is if someone comments on my facebook/blog, or compliments a shirt I'm wearing. Then it's a good day, and I think good thoughts about myself.
So, I'm not sure how to feel about all of that.
wow a sobbing roomate. that must have been akward. thats kinda bad youre not happy at home or at school. youre just gonna have to move out into an apartment with me then! one of these days at least.
ReplyDeleteDid you change the time on your waterclock? Daylight savings!!
ReplyDeleteYeah life in college is weird. Either you're realizing you're getting older/adult or you are doing everything to block out that realization.