I stayed up quite late last night. And what do I have to show for it?
-An addiction to Sliversun Pickups song
'Panic Switch' -An even further appreciation for the show Breaking Bad. (i've only seen two episodes...but its very captivating)
-A furthering of my Rivers Cuomo-like dance moves (I call it the T-Rex-ChickenMan dance....as seen in the last post!)
-A brilliant and cool idea for a project involving an old walkman cassette player(if anyone has one they dont want...Ill take it off your hands)
-More episodes of Lost season 1 watched
-A weirdly creative slew of play on words. Like Raisin Bran Punch, Parrot Cake....sadly Im struggling to recall others. I know there was more. I really should write stuff like that down. All of them would probably fall under Band Names or Book Titles.
-An appreciation for fans. Both the one in my computer and the one in my window
-A realization that I need to start writing....Every...Day. Go for it.
when I say late, I mean late. Like I went to sleep at 4.
So it wasn't all that stellar to have to get up at 9.(people at house painting and fixing stuff.)
And then I had to go out and pick up my car. Funny how big of a deal "going out" is on these laziest of summer days.
But I needed my car! My baby! He's a fighter. And he's back to his ass-kicking ways.
Walking down to the place wasn't as bad I had expected. I used to walk to school with a medically unsafe amount of weight on my back. Good old fat backpack days.
Now who wants to hear about my Weenie Roast Adventure!!!!
I can assure you it was awesome. An amazing blend of bands all to my liking. Its a great way to experience music. The energy! the excitement. The liveness! I hope yesterdays post gave you a good little glimpse into my experience. I love how everyone has a camera these days. It really helps the reliving of events go on and on.
In other music news...I've done something sort of weird but very cool. Right after I watched the Lost finale(and had my solid moments of Freakout, I listened to this song(
open link in new window and enjoy whilst reading) Its from the 4th playlist off the UO blog and I really like it. But because I listened to it about 3 times while sitting in the dark pondering my emotions towards the Lost finale/show, Everytime I listen to it again it evokes those same emotions. Like an anxious/nervous-y/frustration. It's pretty intense. You should try it. Or you probably already have! Its just been something on my mind recently...because the finale was just less than a week ago. And its such a specific event. It happens to me on a broader scale with songs like...any from the Red Album remind me of summer, or how CCR totally equates to the Yosemite emotions/feel. Funny how music can do that.
On the literature front...I haven't really gotten into my book yet. Probably because I've only read 1 page. Hopefully soon that changes. Now that most of my TV show seasons have ended I will be a better reader!
Last but not least, Movies! I saw Star Trek. It was really cool. Very JJ Abrams. Alternate realities and time travel. That man is more obsessed than I. I hadn't seen any other Star Treks before, but apparently this was pretty different/altering. Also I do enjoy the comments that say the movie sorta StarWars-ed Star Trek. (because Star Wars is that amazing). I'm sure you all have heard me say this, but it bares repeating. I can safely say that Star Wars enters my thoughts every single day. It's that engrained into my life. I wouldn't have it any other way.
You knew it was coming so here it is; I re-applied at the movies! But If my dreams are any sort of indication then I might be in trouble. Last night I had a dream that the movies wouldn't take me back. Then I got yelled at by customers!
Lets hope for the best. Re-employment would be very nice. Free movies are nice too!
Ok. This was more than I intended to post(seeing as yesterdays post was pretty substantial/video wise.
Hi Summer.