Thursday, May 7, 2009


You know.

That's twice in a row I forgot to blog.
I have to leave for class in like 5 minutes.
So I can't really blog now either.

Oh, so there was a raffle last night at my animation club meeting and I won Mirror's Edge. I never win things like that so it's a pretty big deal. For me.

And then on Monday I ran out of everything. At the same time.

Paper towels
Panther Bucks (the equivalent of Disney dollars for Chapman)
Water bottles
and the list goes on
So it's been quite a struggle to make it back home alive.

I've been playing Pharaoh a lot. This may account for me forgetting to blog. I'm not sure.

okay, class.


  1. the last(and i think only) time I won something was back in 8th grade theatre production and was that band t-shirt and cd. its awesome to win stuff. Blog more!

  2. Pharaoh? Starcraft! I still have a very strong urge to play it but i am forcing myself not to. It has been 5 days since my last play.....
