"Speak less of your plans - you will get more of them done"
Yeah. I do not know how to take that really. Do I talk about my plans too much? I guess I need to become more of a shell according to panda express wisdom speakers. I thought fortune cookies used to tell of your fortune. The Chinese food makers over the past couple decades have been giving me more advice than fortunes. Sometimes they give me neither. The funniest one I ever got i think was this: "It is a sunny day"
Yeah, really? What if it was raining. I think it might have been it was several years ago. At least cloudy. It was not sunny though. Oh fortune cookies.
Finals are coming very fast. The homework and projects are piling up and I do not know if I can handle it all. When this semester ends I am going to have a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. So much less reading for a while. I've never read so much in my whole life until this semester. Damn GE classes. Hopefully next semester is better when I have some business classes to balance it out more. Next semester I will be Mr. Finance for sure with my Director of Advertising position and my business classes. I'm really looking forward to it.
So yeah i've just been typing and not really thinking about what i'm saying. Just typing whatever comes to mind. I'm kinda strapped for info right now. It's the Finance Association banquet tomorrow night. I can't wait for that award! Most attendance baby! I think there is going to be dancing and a live band at the dinner as well. That should be interesting.
Foreigner song of the day:
"Hot Blooded"
Everybody has heard this song/loves this song. They play it on Jack FM a lot. They play Foreigner on Jack FM a lot actually. That is where I discovered Foreigner. So good. When they play this song live it is really awesome.
I do not remember if I ever posted these pics before, but I think they are very funny.

This may be the most inappropriate/dirty title of the blog yet. Lol
ReplyDeleteFinals are ever-present! Best of luck to all
I just finished burning the part two! Those are some incredibly graphic warning signs. And yeah. GE's. Don't we all.