Monday, May 11, 2009

Lost in Mine Own

It's kinda funny. I used to spend so much time with my computer over those many school months.
It was my hub. It was my command station. It was the entertainment I needed and the distraction I didn't. But with one out of school weekend and just one day.....I already feel like we are drifting apart! I haven't touch AIM. Facebook time has hit an all time low. I haven't twittered since I left! 
Maybe it's a good thing, but I feel so less Informed! So un-up-to-date! 
And I haven't commented on any of the previous posts since Wednesday! 
My fellow blogging counterparts are still busy with their end of the year workloads and projects. They know I wish them well.
I'm in sort of a squeeze.
I am lacking any decent source of blogging points. I hate when I blog about nothing to blog. 
We could talk about anything. Anything in the world. I just have to decide what.
And then there is always life.
The everything the nothing with the mix and mash of feeling. Feeling it. I'm really feeling it. That is something you should say. Like a mantra. I'm really feeling it. And you can set it up for yourself. Tell people to ask you, Are you feeling it? Then you(with varying degrees of feeling, all depending on the present feel) reply, I'm feeling it. I'm really feeling it. 
But of course there will be days when you are not feeling the it from the time before. Now you can say, I'm really not feeling it. Or I'm feeling it pretty bad. 
Or you feel nothing. And that might be ok. It might be something terrible too though. 
I am feeling it. 
I feel the ridiculous potential in everyday that I wake up. I feel it shift and shake. 
It's almost painful. Going through, day after day and really having nothing to show for it.
Maybe it's simply just me and my obsession for some sort of worthwhile reminder for my time limit on planet This. And I can write about it on here and think to myself(we'll yeah that's what you want/you think you want/you would like/in your dreams, and I know I will most likely hit the repeat on my life for another day.) I have some theories. What it would take. Some funk-breakers. But like everything else, they require work on my end. So here's to you! you potential pushers! I'm coming for you! Let's make it happen. 

Objective, reached. Thoughts, visualized. 

As you may know....I will be attending the 2009 kroq Weenie Roast y Fiesta. It's safe to say I'm ecstatic. It will be one big party with me and the weez, the kings, the yeahs,  j.e.w., the silvsuns, and the a.t.e 
(see if you can crack my creative nicknames)

speaking of nicknames........i wonder how that dumb old monkey is doing. It's only been 1 weekend and a day. 

Here's a song I'm hoping to hear. 

P.S. Spike Jonze blog....very nice. 


  1. That should be a pretty epic concert. Too bad it's so dang expensive..

  2. Some major thought visualizing here. Very nice. Summer is here, the computer has lost meaning...but do not worry it will be back in three months.
