I have to confess though...summer has made me quite lazy.
As I mentioned to my mother, "My biggest decision of the days have been, Shower or not shower."
I have also discovered the magical properties of my hair. No matter how messy it is when i wake up, by the end of the day its back in good form. Also Ive been utilizing the backwards baseball hat look. I am proud to say I can pull it off.
But this lazy nature has found a foe. Work has returned to my life!
I think ultimately I benefit from this scheduled life. The free time is better used and the work time gets me mucho dinero.
Me gusto mucho dinero.
Woah! I just discovered a freckle on my left Achilles tendon. (this may be the high point of todays post....)
Ok. I'm really just circling the drain here. Summer days will most definitely=shorter blogs. Buts thats ok because the people who actually read this beautiful thing will be the ones that I spend time hanging out with!
I have a few more confessions. I already watched all of my Lost dvds. Season 1 is beyond great. That show hit the ground running. And because I love (or hate) these characters so much, seeing them in the beginning brings back so much emotion.
And a little anger about the fate of some of the characters. Well really only Claire and Charlie.
Also (and most of this blame falls on you James Beck!) I've started watched Arrested Development again. Its just so fun and easy to watch and enjoy. Why not clean my room AND watch Arrested Development. Walk the dog? Only If I can bring my laptop(ok thats a bit of a stretch.) But you get what Im saying. And If you don't......then we all know what that means.
Still haven't read much. Or written. Goals to be met! Thats a better way of looking at it then Goals I've failed to start.
Ok. Lets kick it. Blog out!

Too cool for school!

Just right for summer! (I told you the hat works!)
ps. I have work tomorrow! How is it possible that I am nervous!>>!!??
I can not believe you are working already. I've only been out of school one day! But I understand you've been out for a while and it is time to work again. Yeah Lost beginnings were awesome. One of these days I will watch the last season that I missed.