Saturday, May 30, 2009

May 30, 2009

I haven't been able to speak properly as of late. I'm not quite sure what happened, but lately whenever I try and talk to someone it just comes out as a sort of mush of words. Which has been problematic.

Typing though...that's a whole different field. I think typing is still okay. Maybe it's just summer. My brain degenerates, and what's left is starcraft strategies and sleep.

I had a surprise birthday party! I've been thinking about it and I think that was my first official surprise birthday. That and when people starting singing happy birthday in the parking lot at grad night. Oh, good times.

UP was fantastic. Pete Doctor is a cool guy, and I appreciate his sense of story/humor. Partly Cloudy was pretty good too. I laughed hard. Presto still holds #1 for me though. For the Birds is up there too. Mainly because that's such a wonderful title.

And! The L.A. metro isn't that scary. I was expecting worse.

I drew a picture

It's going to be the opening picture on my eventual website. I like it, although it looks a TON like this picture

And I didn't really want it to. But whatever.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Mix & Match

Oh Blog. You are getting ever closer to your 3 month mark and 100th post everyday.
Summer has been good to me so far. Lots of hangouts, Lots of Starcraft, Lots of fun. I got a lot of Finance Association duties out of the way the past couple days so now I can breath easy on that issue for a while. Now all I have is planning for Yosemite, reading the Road book, reviving Conquer, shopping for my dad's birthday, and having fun.

My grades have slowly been trickling in over the past few days. I check it like 3 times a day. As of this morning 4 out of 5 have reported. 4 A's. So awesome. I'm really proud of myself this semester. All that hard work and constant reading paid off. Just one class left to report. I deserve an A in that class but it could either be an A or a B. How awesome would it be to get straight A's? I've never had that in my life. So I'm really hoping this year is the year.

We need to have a Yosemite meeting next week. Like Monday or Tuesday. Organize the official low-down. Wow I totally walked away from my computer like 30 mins ago and just came back.

So yeah everything seems to be ok for me right now. Can not wait to go on Vacation.

Corn update

The corn is just starting to sprout stalks. I can taste the organic flavor already!

Mix & Match:

Hey! That's me!

Embracing the Summer.

Pondering many life questions.

Outdated corn pic.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tell Me Something

I just got back from de Portola open house. The last de Portola open house my family has to go to. It's a little sad.
The Hyde days were definitely my Young Glory days. I just love the concept of the Glory Days. To be an old man and know....
"Back then, back when I was that chipper freckled gap-toothed youth, I was a champion. I was on top of the world."
I like to think of them as the young Glory days because I have high hopes for some great Glory days to come. And glorious they will be.
6th grade is my epicenter of reminiscence. I would support this claim with some photographs I found however I am scanner-less. Like the ones recently developed from my old disposable camera from 6th grade camp!
and of course this.

Can you believe my hair!?!
I can't. But a funny thing has happened. I really am starting to believe in my hair and my physical appearance in general.
I think I've always accepted who I was, but now I'm starting to think "Hey there, we could have something here!"
Subtle charm factor +5!

I worked my first week(a work week for me is Fri-Thurs) 40 hours!
It was both crazy and comforting. A well deserved return met with a realization of other things that went into this job.
My biggest struggle is getting old people to buy popcorn. They just won't do it!
Prices are high. It happens, There is ZER0 I can do about it. If you want popcorn...get popcorn
Old folks scoff at me! and my price of popped corns.
One thing I am sort of proud of is my No Soda commitment and its ability to last, even though I work with/on/in soda all day.
As much as an ice cold fizzy delicious Pibb would be, I can easily just say "Today I will keep trying to do this one thing to stay healthy."
On a very sad work related note, a pen broke in my pocket today and got ink all over the place. I think I gave someone some popcorn with blue ink on it. Maybe not. I tried really hard to scrub it all away. Just don't look into my pocket! Do people even consider doing something like that?

Rejoice! I finally dug into my book and am really enjoying it. I think if I wanted to, I could/should become a professor of American Lit mainly focusing on Cormac McCarthy. Or maybe to just shake his hand. I think I should make a list of famous people whose hands I wish to shake. Here we go
-Steven Spielburg
-George Lucas
-Wes Anderson
-Tom Hanks
-Bill Murray
-Dave Eggers
-Cormac McCarthy
-Rivers Cuomo

See what I did there, with the categories and such. I think thats a pretty nice list. Lets get to it!

I can't believe May is almost over. May 8th seems so FAR AGO.
Goodbye I'll Be In Long Lostness

remember how I tried so hard to do that before? Not like it even makes sense. Where is my quick English Acronamical magic?

Currently Listening to:
Joe and the Crybabies- I Hope I Don't Die In A Semi

Lets pump this summer up!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A post that resembles one my friends might make

Wow, no time for an update this time either! It's almost like no one puts an effort into this blog anymore.

Chapman update! As you may know, I am finished with my time at Chapman. Never to be in the dorms again. In theory. Actually, probably. Since next time it would be an apartment perhaps. You know those dorm rooms, totally busting my balls.

Movie Reviews!

Terminator Salvation was awful. Let's begin with the title. Salvation. Conjurers up an mental image of something being accomplished or "saved." Only in this movie nothing is accomplished and numerous things are destroyed/blown up, or in other words, "not saved." Acting: Bad. There is just no excuse for bad acting anymore. The huge pool of actors to choose from who would be willing to work for next to nothing makes it unimaginable that there could still be bad acting. Or dialogue. Yikes.

Here's a picture to take up room:

Oh wait, here's another

This is probably what the final version of Sandcrab is going to look like; complaints should be addressed now.

Corn update!

mm mm. looking good corn.

Blind Pilot Song of the Day!

An unreleased song! I just discovered this today, and my my it is good. Also you should take notice how dang good they sound live. They'll be a big-name band soon enough.

This is what I look like when I made this post

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm Tired

I really am. All these late nights and early wake-ups are getting to me. The hangouts have been fun. Now I'm starting to get all this work and errands and projects to do. I guess the good old days of bored summer afternoons and late wake-ups are over. Very sad. I was really looking forward to becoming a vegetable this couple weeks. That was the only thing that got me through those last 3 weeks of school. O well time to be an adult.

So yeah the Finance Association is busting my balls. Lots of summer work to be done. I'm supposed to start on it today but I am really not in the mood. I had to get up early this morning and drive to John Wayne Airport to help my mom return the rent-a-car. Then we went to target after and I shopped around gifts for my dad's 50th b-day. I did not have much luck.

I've been playing a lot of starcraft and it feels so good. A month of abstinence built up a lot of energy for the game. I really want starcraft 2 to come out soon. Who knows when ActivisionBlizzard will get their act together though. I saw a shirt in Target today that said Activision on it. I smiled.

I've been listening to a lot of The Offspring lately in preparation for the upcoming concert. There is this on 2 minute song on the album Americana that I did not like at first, but now it grew on me. It really comes at you hard in the beginning. It scared me the first time I heard it cause I had the speaker up loud.

It does not have the best audio quality, but it is good enough. No Brakes!

Man I'm tired. I think I might go back to sleep....

I need to get a healthier diet soon.

John Kisling
Director of Advertising
Finance Association
California State University, Fullerton

Monday, May 25, 2009

Get Some Summer Sun

I think this is the first time I have really had to squeeze in a blog. I seriously have no time/effort to put into todays post. So with those faltering expectations....let us begin

Work has been work. But work is good. Lots of late nights. I remember now that when I work it was always really hard to fall asleep. I still have work energy. Even if I am really really tired. It's still there.

Summer blog modifications/updates. I am going to start my own little movie review sort of thing.

Terminator Salvation: I thought this movie was your typical fun action sci-fi fiesta. Lots of yelling and exploding.
What don't you f&*#ing Understand!!!! lol
What I liked the most was the whole post- apocalyptic setting. I'm a sucker for that. The grey landscapes. Bleak and daunting.
They did a really good job with that. As for plot and it was good enough. I didn't go in expecting something brilliant. I enjoyed it however. Christian Bale can yell at whoever he wants. The lighting in that one shot though....

Ok. I have things to do before work at five. It's busy, but a summer busy

I keep hearing Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Zero" on the radio. That song is growing on me like crazy! It makes me feel like a madman on the run! Sadly all the youtube videos have embedding disabled.

This picture is here only to take up space in the post. It makes it feel longer!
also its my desktop background.

Hope everyone is having fun and I'll see you soon. Hopefully

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I didn't do anything


Seriously, I had today planned out to be a day filled with job-applying and seeing people. I woke up at two, which put a serious damper on my ability to get things done. I then had to go to a family party at 4. And I just got back. So I made a cup of noodles, which I let sit too long and are now soggy. I was just about to look up some places I might want to work when I received a text message saying that I forgot to blog. Woe is me.

Blind Pilot. Let's talk about music.

Blind Pilot has quickly risen to my number one favorite band, and I implore everyone to check them out. I made a post about this in my old blog too, but I don't think anyone listened.

So before we go any further:

Such tricky, clever lyrics that make it so easy to fall in love with.

Well, I'm done with visual storytelling. It's funny that I think of it that way instead of "I'm done with school," but really that's what this semester was all about. That was kind of a lie. I had good classes, but I spent the most time on visual storytelling.

Which was your favorite?

The Shave
The Pool Snake
all my friends are dead
Call Me Cool
The Caf

(View Results)

So let's hear those two (or dare I say three votes!)

I've played a lot of Starcraft in the past two days.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Breaking Free

Summer is here! and it feels so great. It has been non-stop for me it feels like. I just got out of school two days ago and now I do not even know what school is anymore. Just went right out of my head after my last philosophy final. I'm gonna try to make the most of this summer. 3 whole months off. That is the longest summer I have ever had since I was 4. For the first couple weeks my plan is just to decompress. School got me all worked up, and now it is finally time to alleviate the tension and stress.

So yeah I do not have much for the blog right now. These short blogs are getting to be to frequent. I need to revive my blog spark again.

Tomorrow I go to the Finance Association training day at a girl's house in Newport Coast. I'm not sure how that is going to go. Probably will not be the most enjoyable event, but o well it needs to be done.

I forgot to mention how I got shafted by the Fullerton Book-buyback. I bought five books and I think it was over 300 or 350 or something around that and I got about $60 back. NOT OKAY! My school started this "Guaranteed buyback" system where even if they are not going to use the edition of the book you sell back next year they will give you $5 for it anyway instead of not accepting it at all. Kinda nice but still $5 is a slap in the face for some books. So yeah my books were nice too. Almost mint condition. 3 of them were considered "outdated" and I got $5 each for them. Then another great textbook of mine that cost me $50 I sold back for $6. What the hell!? So unfair. My final book was brand new (2009 edition), cost $106, and I got $32 for it. Still kind of a slap in the face. I hate these book publishers. Always screwing over the poor college kids. I'm gonna try to buy my books online for cheap next semester. I must fight back! My theory on the buyback is if your book was published more than 2 years ago, you are screwed. The only books of mine that got bought back this year that were not going to be replaced were 2009 and 2008 editions. Sorry 2006-2007. You are no good anymore.

So yeah I've decided to finally end Foreigner song of the day. I know I know! You are freaking out right now! It must be done however. I am out of noteworthy songs. I do have enough songs for another couple months or so, but I think it is best to stop with the great songs. Sorry Foreigner song of the day. You were with us from the beginning. You will not be forgotten.

Here is a few more concert pics that I did not have room for last time:

Cage that elephant!----WEEZER

Siversun Pickups' biggest fan.-----Kings of leon

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Summer of Stuff

Get to it! Summer has arrived. Well. Technically "summer" aka the season is still about a month away. So lets call it Summer Vacation.
I have to confess though...summer has made me quite lazy.
As I mentioned to my mother, "My biggest decision of the days have been, Shower or not shower."
I have also discovered the magical properties of my hair. No matter how messy it is when i wake up, by the end of the day its back in good form. Also Ive been utilizing the backwards baseball hat look. I am proud to say I can pull it off.
But this lazy nature has found a foe. Work has returned to my life!
I think ultimately I benefit from this scheduled life. The free time is better used and the work time gets me mucho dinero.
Me gusto mucho dinero.
Woah! I just discovered a freckle on my left Achilles tendon. (this may be the high point of todays post....)
Ok. I'm really just circling the drain here. Summer days will most definitely=shorter blogs. Buts thats ok because the people who actually read this beautiful thing will be the ones that I spend time hanging out with!
I have a few more confessions. I already watched all of my Lost dvds. Season 1 is beyond great. That show hit the ground running. And because I love (or hate) these characters so much, seeing them in the beginning brings back so much emotion.
And a little anger about the fate of some of the characters. Well really only Claire and Charlie.
Also (and most of this blame falls on you James Beck!) I've started watched Arrested Development again. Its just so fun and easy to watch and enjoy. Why not clean my room AND watch Arrested Development. Walk the dog? Only If I can bring my laptop(ok thats a bit of a stretch.) But you get what Im saying. And If you don't......then we all know what that means.

Still haven't read much. Or written. Goals to be met! Thats a better way of looking at it then Goals I've failed to start.
Ok. Lets kick it. Blog out!

Too cool for school!

Just right for summer! (I told you the hat works!)

ps. I have work tomorrow! How is it possible that I am nervous!>>!!??

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


with my freshman year at Chapman. I'm utterly exhausted.

Let's see. So much happened it's going to be difficult to condense it all/ pick and choose events.

Well to begin with, some of you may have remembered my graphing calculator from High School. The one with the gigantic picture of Borat wearing leather? Yeah? No? Anyways, I lent it to the roommate Jake earlier this semester because he needed it for a math test. I've been asking for it back since then, and each time I brought it up he would say that he forgot it in his car. Well. Last night, I asked him once again and he said it was in his car. I said let's go to his car and get it because I'm moving out tomorrow. He then told me he had just remembered that it was broken. I asked him if he had replaced the batteries, and he said no. So I said let's go get it and I'll just replace the batteries. He then said that he had replaced the batteries, and that it didn't work. I asked him if he was serious, and he said no. He then asked me how much a graphing calculator costs, and was starting to get the feeling I wasn't getting my graphing calculator back anytime soon.

I let the conversation end there for a while.

I came back the following night, and asked him if he had my calculator. He said no, followed by a yes, and then he said he had a confession. I cut him off and asked if he had lost my calculator. He said yes.


But apparently he went out and bought me a new one. TI-89 Titanium. Which is..much better than my old calculator. About $100 better. But, no ones counting.

Wow, end of college and I'll have to show for it is a story about calculators.

But not really.



OKAY. so.

I'm back at my house. For the summer. With no job. What to do, what to do. It's kind of depressing. Actually it's REALLY depressing, and I don't like it. My only feasible goal for the summer so far is to clean my room.

And even that probably won't happen.

I'm not sure how to migrate the junk from college into the junk I keep at home. I suppose the dumpster will have to be the middleman.

I forgot to bring both my laptop AND phone charger this week. Which resulted in a world of pain and poor communication. I kept having to use friends' phones to call people. I'll always be remembered by the people of Third Floor Henley as that kid that always had to use their phone the last week of school.

My mom just came home from school, and said that I must be estatic that it's summer. I never really pictured myself being one of those people that doesn't like "going to home for the holidays" but I think that's where I'm ending up. I feel like too much of a chaperon for my parents. That doesn't even make sense, but that's the bottom line. Also, not having a job.

Funniest thing I've ever seen:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ain't no rest for the philosophy taker

It seems like I always have to blog when there is much time-sensitive more important work to be done. One final left for me and it is the hardest. Philosophy: the biggest mistake of my college career so far. I will not go into details, but trust me it is bad. So this is another short post for good reason. Do not blame me, blame philosophy!

So yeah last Saturday. Weenie roast! So awesome. Such a good concert. 14 crazy awesome bands. It was fun. A good first real concert for me. I have a few pics and some videos but for now I will just post the pics cause I'm bad at posting videos on blogger, youtube, or anywhere else and it takes too much much needed time. So I will get some videos up on here later. Friday probably. For now here is some pics:

Weenie Roast! ----- Kevin and Bean!

Big B! You da white trash criminal!

Hollywood Undead! Great rock. ---- I rock!

Weezer! --------- Jimmy Eat World!

We Rock. ---- and so does the monkey!

Foreigner song of the day:

"I want to know what love is"

Somebody tell me please! A very romantic song with classic Foreigner guitar.

Monday, May 18, 2009

My oh my

I stayed up quite late last night. And what do I have to show for it?
-An addiction to Sliversun Pickups song 'Panic Switch'
-An even further appreciation for the show Breaking Bad. (i've only seen two episodes...but its very captivating)
-A furthering of my Rivers Cuomo-like dance moves (I call it the T-Rex-ChickenMan seen in the last post!)
-A brilliant and cool idea for a project involving an old walkman cassette player(if anyone has one they dont want...Ill take it off your hands)
-More episodes of Lost season 1 watched
-A weirdly creative slew of play on words. Like Raisin Bran Punch, Parrot Cake....sadly Im struggling to recall others. I know there was more. I really should write stuff like that down. All of them would probably fall under Band Names or Book Titles.
-An appreciation for fans. Both the one in my computer and the one in my window
-A realization that I need to start writing....Every...Day. Go for it.
when I say late, I mean late. Like I went to sleep at 4.

So it wasn't all that stellar to have to get up at 9.(people at house painting and fixing stuff.)
And then I had to go out and pick up my car. Funny how big of a deal "going out" is on these laziest of summer days.
But I needed my car! My baby! He's a fighter. And he's back to his ass-kicking ways.
Walking down to the place wasn't as bad I had expected. I used to walk to school with a medically unsafe amount of weight on my back. Good old fat backpack days.
Now who wants to hear about my Weenie Roast Adventure!!!!
I can assure you it was awesome. An amazing blend of bands all to my liking. Its a great way to experience music. The energy! the excitement. The liveness! I hope yesterdays post gave you a good little glimpse into my experience. I love how everyone has a camera these days. It really helps the reliving of events go on and on.
In other music news...I've done something sort of weird but very cool. Right after I watched the Lost finale(and had my solid moments of Freakout, I listened to this song(open link in new window and enjoy whilst reading) Its from the 4th playlist off the UO blog and I really like it. But because I listened to it about 3 times while sitting in the dark pondering my emotions towards the Lost finale/show, Everytime I listen to it again it evokes those same emotions. Like an anxious/nervous-y/frustration. It's pretty intense. You should try it. Or you probably already have! Its just been something on my mind recently...because the finale was just less than a week ago. And its such a specific event. It happens to me on a broader scale with songs like...any from the Red Album remind me of summer, or how CCR totally equates to the Yosemite emotions/feel. Funny how music can do that.

On the literature front...I haven't really gotten into my book yet. Probably because I've only read 1 page. Hopefully soon that changes. Now that most of my TV show seasons have ended I will be a better reader!

Last but not least, Movies! I saw Star Trek. It was really cool. Very JJ Abrams. Alternate realities and time travel. That man is more obsessed than I. I hadn't seen any other Star Treks before, but apparently this was pretty different/altering. Also I do enjoy the comments that say the movie sorta StarWars-ed Star Trek. (because Star Wars is that amazing). I'm sure you all have heard me say this, but it bares repeating. I can safely say that Star Wars enters my thoughts every single day. It's that engrained into my life. I wouldn't have it any other way.
You knew it was coming so here it is; I re-applied at the movies! But If my dreams are any sort of indication then I might be in trouble. Last night I had a dream that the movies wouldn't take me back. Then I got yelled at by customers!
Lets hope for the best. Re-employment would be very nice. Free movies are nice too!

Ok. This was more than I intended to post(seeing as yesterdays post was pretty substantial/video wise.

Hi Summer.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Sorry. I couldnt wait until tomorrow.

Lets see what KROQ Weenie Roast 09 favorites have already hit youtube

I wish there was more Weezer on youtube but this song/s were really funny. Weezer was just too awesome.

this ones a little shaky

I think I hear me singing in this one!

I payed BIG MONEY to see this!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

It's funny.

It's always when I'm about to get down to work that I check the blog. And I see no one has blogged and it hits me that it is my day to do the deed.

So, macroeconomics will have to wait just a couple minutes more.

I've been goofing off for the past...


Anyways, I should have been studying and it's starting to hit me that I'm going to be in a world of hurt if I don't get cracking on things soon.

I watched The Lion King today. That's a great movie.

I have this sort of wonderful fondness for everything that came out between 1990 and 1996. I suppose it could be called nostalgia. Somehow I think it's more than that. I don't know, with Jurassic Park, the real beginnings of home computers, and movies like Aladdin and The Lion King, something about it just seems so... adventurous and fresh.

Today is my sister's birthday. Emily. She's 26 today.
Happy Birthday.

I haven't been drawing. Since picture-a-day, I've had a bad relapse. I've been trying to get back in the groove of it, but man. There may be things in life where the analogy of "It's like riding a bike" would work, but drawing isn't one of them. Things slip, and they are hard to get back. It's just the way things are.

I'm beginning to think I should have gone to an art school. As I was just typing that I was having second doubts about it. I don't know. All of the old people I know love their school so much but the most I can say about Chapman is that it might get better in the future. Same thing with High School. People get so riled up about it. I think I suffer from a major case of apathy.

But not really! Because there are things that I get "riled up about." Like Yosemite. Movie trailers. Food/Red Bull.

Things I don't care about: Monuments.

Can't stand them.
I can't figure out why exactly, but they just seem so useless. It may stem from them not having a real use.

Stupid monuments..

I LOVE this picture. I made it my desktop a couple weeks ago, and everytime I start up my computer I just sit there and look at it. A passerby might think I was crazy, but there is just so much to learn from it.

Looking forward to some corn snacks.

Friday, May 15, 2009

It gets worse before it gets better

Oh man I just heard a KROQ commercial for The Offspring concert. Awesome. Now it is a Slurpee commercial. This station knows me!

So yeah I just finished my monster 10 page philosophy essay. It took me pretty much the whole day. I did take a lot of short breaks, but they were much needed breaks. Yesterday I did my 5 page philosophy essay. So as you can imagine I am all philosophized out right now. Thank God it is my last final. That class was a big mistake on my part. I should have known. I did not like philosophy before, why would I like it this semester?! It just fit to perfectly in my schedule to say no. O well lesson learned. Never take philosophy. These 100 and 101 level classes do not seem like 100 and 101 level classes. I thought they were supposed to be easy. I would hate to see what a 300 level philosophy class is like. Yikes!

Finals are so close but so far away. Starting Sunday, I need to learn essentially the entire course of geology, Hcom and philosophy. Sociology is in the bag, and history is done already. Nailed that final on Thursday. HCOM and Sociology are Monday, so Sunday is all day study for HCOM. Followed by a Monday night major study session for Geology on Tuesday, and then Tuesday night is an all night study session for philosophy for Wednesday. And then it is sweet freedom! until the Finance Association training day on that Saturday. Kinda anti-climactic. I've forgotten all about the FA these past couple weeks. My mind has been preoccupied with classes for so long. I'm surprised my mental capacity has not overloaded or shorted out by now. I guess my capacity for constant school and no fun is growing stronger this year. Which is really good for college. I can not wait for business classes next year. Bring it on accounting! Come here Econ! Should be a nice change of pace.

Tomorrow is the KROQ weenie roast. It is going to be a nice break from school work. All day of good constant music. gonna be sweet. So yeah, I've been typing all day long. My wrists hurt. It seems like I always have to blog when there is work to be done. Damals. I will leave you with a corn update.

Corn Update

The corn is doing good. It is getting up there in height. However, I think the worms are starting to catch on that there is food near. One of my corn leaves had a bite taken out of it. This is very normal, but not something to take lightly. I'm gonna try not to use pesticides though. There are natural pesticides though if the isolated incident becomes an epidemic. But for now it is good.

Foreigner song of the day:

"Head Games"

One of my favorites. All we do is play head games when we could be making love. I am running out of good Foreigner songs worth posting. I feel the end of Foreigner song of the day pretty soon. Then I will probably post just "song of the day," which will display what my mood is, or what song I listened to a lot today.


In the beginning

The corn is planted

The corn has growth

The corn is Strong!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What's done is done

It's 1:33. I'm still in bed. I was up late last night but more on that later.


with all the anticipation I have for this film...I must say, the trailer isn't as good as I expected. I do know you can't base it all on the trailer, mainly because the Studios cut the trailers. And all they want is money. And you can see that in how the trailer is cut. The first half is all I really have to argue with. But then it shifts into what you can really expect the film to be. Because thats how the book is. Its not some fast thriller madness. AND REALLY that opening clip stuff really makes me mad. Not at the movie but at whomever cut the trailer. Shame on you. Hopefully we will get a better one soon. Still, this is my #1 movie of the year. #1. Numero Uno. (a funny note about the Road, i went out to dinner with family last night and my cousin asked me if I read the book. And he's starting to read it which made me happy. Then we started explaining to a little to my uncle. Then we started this game of naming songs with transportation references in the title. Highway to Hell, Road to Nowhere, Crazy was funny, but not as funny as the overheard conversation about some kid knifing a guy which we later learned was just a description of a videogame experience.)

So yeah. Last night. Lost season finale. Did not disappoint. And like every other Lost finale, I was running around screaming when it ended. Actually thats an overstatement. The season 3 finale I remember getting really quiet and not moving. And then once in bed I yelled to my brother in the other room. HOW!!???!???!! 
But I am amazed at the power this show has over me. Its a good sort of power. But controlling nonetheless. I want more. CURIOSITY rages!!! Sadly the next season is the last one. I will miss the show. It will be our generations big thing that people talk about and refer. For the drama genre at least. Damn its good.
I think I'm going to rewatch the finale later.
I blog early but sleep in late. 
I am really hungry too.
Hey people! finish school already!!!!
I got an email from my art history teacher with my grade. 89.4% ARGHHHH!HH!!
its good. but its so close to an A it makes me mad. Oh well. Im glad I did well But mad I still have that textbook!

oh! I started my new reading book yesterday! should be great. 

Maybe I'll update later. I can do that you know. 

Update! my brother just got home and said that he had TK Burgers for lunch. Thats the new place where KFC used to be. We should go

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm almost out of the dorms. Forever. Seriously. Never again.

I've been watching Arrested Development. That is one funny show. It seems that I never watch TV unless it is online TV in which case I guess it's still TV. But even then, I don't watch that much. Well now I do. I didn't before.


was canceled a whiles ago. I'm still on season one, but it's just kind of sad that I know it will eventually come to a close.

Do you know who Mitch Albom is? He wrote that book The Five People You Meet in Heaven, and he's coming to Chapman! Which means he either was or eventually will be at LMU. Maybe.

Almost done with cafeteria food. Forever. Not to be overly harsh on it, but it is pretty bad. I mean, comparatively. But I just hate the atmosphere of it. Everything is sopping wet and it just feels like I'm in a giant petri dish.

I currently would classify my relationship with my school as strained.

I had my last meeting with Jessica today. That was a blast. She asked what I had gotten out of our meetings and I couldn't think of anything so I said so. I told her I'd be making something up if I said otherwise. I thought I might as well end our series of twenty-minute awkward hate meetings with a bang.


are coming up.
like next week.
they burnz us...

But that means I get out of my Visualization Perspective and Rendering class. In a week from yesterday.

Rob Minkoff came in to speak to my E.A. forum class last night. You may (not have actually) heard about him as the director of the Lion King. Which. I don't really believe. He seemed like kind of a jerk, and TECHNICALLY he was co-director. Anyways. What can you do about it. He was really gung-ho about 3D though, and said if he was going to make the Lion King again he would have done it in 3D. Can you believe the nerve? I don't know. It seemed. Unlikely.


is finished. I know you have already seen it. But hey.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Weeks of Production

Last week has been the start of my three weeks of constant educational cramming and production. I unplugged the video games, took out the tv, and sacrificed relaxation time. Every spare moment I can get my hands on has gone toward school work, which I had an unprecedentedly large amount of. This is a risky plan however, since I am prone to overloads and mental breakdowns. I have had this happen before, but luckily my efforts this time are proving fruitful. Last weekend I really pumped the school work out rolling into monday and today. I finally think I may be on track. It is still going to be hell the next 7 days, but I think I might just pull it off. barely. If all goes well tomorrow and thursday then my hw plan should work. Right now I have straight A's going into the finals. However, my prediction for coming out of finals I will have 2 A's and 3 B's. Sad. All that work. I think I am taking freshmen year academics too seriously.

I am listening to The Offspring right now in celebration of purchasing tickets to go see The Offspring in concert June 5th in Irvine. The KROQ Weenie Roast and The Offspring concert will be my first real concerts. I can not wait. Should be a blast.


Foreigner song of the day:

"The Damage is Done"

Hearing is believing.

Everybody loves a flaming skull.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Lost in Mine Own

It's kinda funny. I used to spend so much time with my computer over those many school months.
It was my hub. It was my command station. It was the entertainment I needed and the distraction I didn't. But with one out of school weekend and just one day.....I already feel like we are drifting apart! I haven't touch AIM. Facebook time has hit an all time low. I haven't twittered since I left! 
Maybe it's a good thing, but I feel so less Informed! So un-up-to-date! 
And I haven't commented on any of the previous posts since Wednesday! 
My fellow blogging counterparts are still busy with their end of the year workloads and projects. They know I wish them well.
I'm in sort of a squeeze.
I am lacking any decent source of blogging points. I hate when I blog about nothing to blog. 
We could talk about anything. Anything in the world. I just have to decide what.
And then there is always life.
The everything the nothing with the mix and mash of feeling. Feeling it. I'm really feeling it. That is something you should say. Like a mantra. I'm really feeling it. And you can set it up for yourself. Tell people to ask you, Are you feeling it? Then you(with varying degrees of feeling, all depending on the present feel) reply, I'm feeling it. I'm really feeling it. 
But of course there will be days when you are not feeling the it from the time before. Now you can say, I'm really not feeling it. Or I'm feeling it pretty bad. 
Or you feel nothing. And that might be ok. It might be something terrible too though. 
I am feeling it. 
I feel the ridiculous potential in everyday that I wake up. I feel it shift and shake. 
It's almost painful. Going through, day after day and really having nothing to show for it.
Maybe it's simply just me and my obsession for some sort of worthwhile reminder for my time limit on planet This. And I can write about it on here and think to myself(we'll yeah that's what you want/you think you want/you would like/in your dreams, and I know I will most likely hit the repeat on my life for another day.) I have some theories. What it would take. Some funk-breakers. But like everything else, they require work on my end. So here's to you! you potential pushers! I'm coming for you! Let's make it happen. 

Objective, reached. Thoughts, visualized. 

As you may know....I will be attending the 2009 kroq Weenie Roast y Fiesta. It's safe to say I'm ecstatic. It will be one big party with me and the weez, the kings, the yeahs,  j.e.w., the silvsuns, and the a.t.e 
(see if you can crack my creative nicknames)

speaking of nicknames........i wonder how that dumb old monkey is doing. It's only been 1 weekend and a day. 

Here's a song I'm hoping to hear. 

P.S. Spike Jonze blog....very nice. 

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pride and Curb

That was horrible. It doesn't even make sense.


is almost done

like as we speak.

I just have a couple more shots until I consider myself finished. And then it's onto making it look like the three parts fit together. And that they weren't filmed over a period of three weeks.

I need to wait until it gets dark,'s not dark. But people are over. And it's nervewracking because I don't really have anything for them to do.

So I blog.

While they are here.

I'm a good host.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Me, My Books, and I

Today was the start of my partial-isolationism plan for my days before and through finals. I have so much school work to do it is hard to believe. So I am isolating myself from as many social activities as possible. This includes anything for my own personal entertainment as well. No video games for 12 more days. I do not know what to believe in anymore when I have to do something like that. I read for 10 fairly solid hours today, stopping really only to eat. At this pace, I might not even finish all my tasks before year end. How sad. This was unavoidable either. I have been pretty diligent in school work for the past couple weeks too so I do not blame myself for procrastinating. This is simply a giant bubble of crap that came up all at once. Welcome to Fullerton. In conclusion, Johnny is not going to be happy the next two weeks and his attitude will most likely be a lot more negative.

My reading today was all history based. When I started reading, I learned all about WWII. When I finished reading tonight, I just learned about the post-communist Russia and its problems. It was a pretty big span of the 20th century today. A lot of it was interesting to read and a lot of it was not. But what can you do? It is history.

So yeah remember how I said I was going to invest in ActivisionBlizzard? Well, about a week or two ago I was ready to buy. The stock was at 10.00 even. According to some bad after hour news I read I was led to believe the market was going to go down the next day. So I decided to wait one more day. The stock went up 4.8% the next day. (for those who do not know stocks to well that is huge for one day). Damn! Ok maybe it will go back down and then I will buy. BOOM! Another gain of 3.8% FML! Ok Ok, maybe it will go down after a week or two. It hovered and hovered day to day for the following couple days. Thursday, they released quarter earnings. Better than expected the report shows. Now, from when I waited to buy at 10.00, it went up 18%. I could have had an 18 percent gain. For two weeks time. That really burns me up. Lesson learned.

Ok, I'm tired. A phrase used by all. And I shall use it now. I'm tired. Tune in next tuesday to see if I am going to pull through the hw war or if I am even more screwed from today!

Foreigner song of the day:

"Don't Let Go"

Don't let go! Hold on! Hang in there!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Freshman's Year

I can believe. I can believe it went so fast. What I can't believe is how different it all turned out. 
But the year has come to a close. It's now a time to accept the past year and move forward. 
I have brilliant hopes for the years to come. This year is a trial run. Those are for trial and error. Things happen...lessons are learned. I can't say that I wouldn't change some things. If I could I would have certainly changed a lot. 
I have to tell you something. You might not want to hear this.... BUT I AM On SUMMER BREAK!!!!!!!
it has beguuuuuuuun! I am sorry that everyone else still has some weeks to go. But you must fight! and it will be rewarded! And the reward will be a precious summer time glory. Just think of the bright gold weeks of hangout and sun-soaked hours of worry free fun. It will be soon. And it will be worth it.
Well my room is packed. The damage is done! I no longer know this place you call Whelan! I occupy this room no more! I am merely waiting for my departure time at this point. 
I owe a debt of gratitude to John, your heavy lifting and box building abilities are of the finest quality. My life has been simplified into these boxes! Proudly I have quite the collection of books. In order for me to extend my library I might need to start working out so I can carry said books from place to place. 
I am sitting now. I am sitting and reflecting on all of what this room has given me. I'm also witnessing the power of teamwork over 1-man-room-packer. Teamwork ftw. 
I am excited to have my summer break. Hopefully things go as I plan. If not.....i'll make a new plan. All I know is, FUN WILL BE HAD! 

Whelan 265 (2008-2009) 
4 walls, a comfy bed, internet and cable hookup. I will never forget you. 
In Memorium

in the beginning

all that remains

That's all I can say.

See you MVamigos soon.


You know.

That's twice in a row I forgot to blog.
I have to leave for class in like 5 minutes.
So I can't really blog now either.

Oh, so there was a raffle last night at my animation club meeting and I won Mirror's Edge. I never win things like that so it's a pretty big deal. For me.

And then on Monday I ran out of everything. At the same time.

Paper towels
Panther Bucks (the equivalent of Disney dollars for Chapman)
Water bottles
and the list goes on
So it's been quite a struggle to make it back home alive.

I've been playing Pharaoh a lot. This may account for me forgetting to blog. I'm not sure.

okay, class.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Speeches & Yosemite

I have not blogged this late in a while. I have good reason for doing so, but it is too long and complicated to explain why and it is not really entertaining to hear about. So I will just move into what I intended to talk about for tonight.

So for the past hour I have been rehearsing my speech that I am going to give for Hcom at 1 o'clock tomorrow. When first assigned this monumental assignment, my attitude was grim. When the weekend came before it was due (Monday 4th) and i realized i would have to start working on it, my attitude was grim. Sunday the 3rd at 12:00pm, my attitude was especially grim. I spent a total of around 6 hours writing/editing my speech and the PowerPoint to accompany my speech. When i finished doing all that it was 10 o'clock and I was tired. So i did not practice my speech. The next day i went to school and wrote out my note cards for which i was to use to give my speech. That took the entire car hour I have in the morning on mondays so i again did not get to practice my speech. So now it is Hcom time and I am really hoping I do not get called on to give my presentation today. Salvation is sweet. I did not have to give my speech. So tonight I had my chance to practice my speech. After my first run through, I realized I loved my speech. It sounded so beautiful. A perfect A. My attitude toward my speech is pleasant now. It is my baby, and I love it. However, the speech requirement is 5-6 minutes. No more, No less...or else. That first run through I timed myself via ipod touch (theres an app for that!). Once i finished my beautiful speech run through I picked up the ipod, which had gone dark from lack of touching, and looked at the timer. 9 minutes, 30 seconds. My smile went upside down. Fuck! So i was forced to cross out some points I wanted to talk about. Every line I crossed out on my note card was sheer pain. Like slashing my baby with knife. My speech, defaced and mangled. All that hard work. I took another couple goes to keep getting it down to 6 minutes flat. So much blood. It makes me sad. So now my beautiful speech is exactly 6 minutes when I keep a very steady/fast pace. No room for screw-ups. It is amazing how I hate speeches then love them after. I hate writing them, but then end up loving them. I did not know it would take this long to talk about this. I'm going to be hurting in the morning for staying up this late. 5:15, here i come!

So now for a quick Yosemite part. I will keep it brief. Yosemite has been on the brain lately. It is my symbol for summer, historically and recently. So now with finals so close I think about it a lot and how much for it will be to go back there for the summer. I can't wait. I am ecstatic. There is a Geology class at my school called Geology 330: Yosemite. I so want to take that class, but I can't because I am not a geology major. Damn the system! Also, today i took a geology test and one of the questions was "How was Yosemite's Half Dome formed?" Now that is my kind of question! I knew that before I took geology. There is a lot of Yosemite mentioned in my geology class. Yosemite Yosemite Yosemite! I've got Yosemite on the brain!

Foreigner song of the day:

"I'm Gonna Win"

This is a unique Foreigner song. It is not really about women or guitars or the usual. But it is still good!

Side Profile of Half Dome. You can kind of make out the cables where people climb up it. Happy climbing!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mondaying the Madness

I just clicked my Visualizing Thought bookmark-tab thinking to myself, "I wonder if someone's blogged already?" 
Oh wait thats me! And this is that which I was then looking for. 
I just finished my first final for the second semester of my first year of college. 
And I am eating a salad. 
This is my last Monday blog from my Whelan desk, in my Whelan dorm, in my Whelan building....
It was weird, yesterday as I was taking a few things off my walls and organizing for packing, I started getting the same feeling I had when I first came here. I really wish I could explain this with other feelings I get. Like the physical sensation of the feeling. Maybe part of it is its undefinability though. 
Also today is May 4th. Giving us another reason to celebrate the awesome that is Star Wars. 
May the fourth......BE WITH YOU!
Unfortunately my celebrating is limited. I would opt for a viewing of the entire original trilogy but I have an Art History final tomorrow. Well maybe next year. But this summer I think we should have some movie marathon sorts of events. Classic trilogies, director tributes, genre stuff, personal favorites, Victory at Sea, or anything else we come up with. 
Look at me, already making summer plans! I wish everyone was done with school as soon as I am. But you'll be finished in good time. 
Ok. I'm not done with school yet, and I think I need to continue my studying. 

Lets see if I can't round you up a video or picture or something like that!
also....Updates are a possibility. 

Here's what was prior to the interview I showed you last week.

ok time to go study!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

.I forgot to blog.

I suppose it was bound to happen. And happen it did. This Sunday buffer is really coming in handy though.

Today is the 70th post. Which means the last one was the 69th. Not to make judgments on anyone or anything like that. I got a new shirt. It's one of those one's that people buy online. I've never found one so captivating that I absolutely had to purchase it, but this shirt changed everything. I'm not going to spoil it for any of you, but when you see it, you'll know what I was talking about.

I can't wait until Summer. Tensions between me and roommate are on the rise. I swear, he's like some sort of ravaging bacterial infection. His growth is limitless. Remember how he wanted Ben's dresser and I wanted the desk? Well. He took the dresser. And the desk. Selfish whore. I had stuff on there too. Like, a lot of stuff. He just pushed if off and put his laptop and bible on it. Oh, I suppose I failed to mention that. Jake has found God. Even though he doesn't understand what that means. He just walks around the room saying Dude, you gotta believe in Jesus. It's the truth. Man.

That's great Jake.

Just don't ask him anything about what he believes, because he gets confused really quickly. Like what denomination he is. He's still struggling with that concept.

And it's all about a girl too. Which is just lame. They weren't even going out, she just rejected him.

He keeps saying that when a girl rejected him last year, and he was without god, it took him months to get over it. And now that he found god, he got over this girl "like 20 times more quickly." But you ask him her name, and he starts crying. He wanted to make her a mix CD, but he didn't have any good music, so he came to me because I was in on the "indie scene." So I made his rejected not-girlfriend a very good mix CD.

This turned into a very anti-roommate post. It's amazing how it just flows out.

Let's talk food. Or lack thereof.
The cafeteria doesn't open until 10:30 on Sundays. 10:30!!! What on earth am I supposed to do until 10:30? Madness.

Starving madness.

There are ants in my room again.

Chapman is strange. Because all around Chapman is a not-so-good city. It's pretty much up to the brim in trash, trashy people, and critters.

Let's focus on the critters. The major pesks are cockroaches, ants, and rats. You take a couple steps off campus and you'll quickly notice that they are everywhere. I've had some pretty traumatic experiences with the cockroaches part.

And yet, none of them go onto Chapman property. It's the weirdest thing ever. It seems like it would be prime territory for an invasion.

And every once in a while something like this will happen. And it's a surprise, even though it really shouldn't be. The same thing is true with Disneyland. There was a cockroach over by Pirates and everyone was just stunned. Even though it makes sense.

Okay, 10:25.

That means food.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Speak less, Get bed?

Today I helped film part two of James' new video and I have to say it is coming together very well. During filming we went to panda express as a lunch break. This is what my fortune read:
"Speak less of your plans - you will get more of them done"
Yeah. I do not know how to take that really. Do I talk about my plans too much? I guess I need to become more of a shell according to panda express wisdom speakers. I thought fortune cookies used to tell of your fortune. The Chinese food makers over the past couple decades have been giving me more advice than fortunes. Sometimes they give me neither. The funniest one I ever got i think was this: "It is a sunny day"
Yeah, really? What if it was raining. I think it might have been it was several years ago. At least cloudy. It was not sunny though. Oh fortune cookies.

Finals are coming very fast. The homework and projects are piling up and I do not know if I can handle it all. When this semester ends I am going to have a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. So much less reading for a while. I've never read so much in my whole life until this semester. Damn GE classes. Hopefully next semester is better when I have some business classes to balance it out more. Next semester I will be Mr. Finance for sure with my Director of Advertising position and my business classes. I'm really looking forward to it.

So yeah i've just been typing and not really thinking about what i'm saying. Just typing whatever comes to mind. I'm kinda strapped for info right now. It's the Finance Association banquet tomorrow night. I can't wait for that award! Most attendance baby! I think there is going to be dancing and a live band at the dinner as well. That should be interesting.

Foreigner song of the day:

"Hot Blooded"

Everybody has heard this song/loves this song. They play it on Jack FM a lot. They play Foreigner on Jack FM a lot actually. That is where I discovered Foreigner. So good. When they play this song live it is really awesome.

I do not remember if I ever posted these pics before, but I think they are very funny.
