Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This thing needs an update or The Evening Redness in the West

In a little room in a big city I begin to pack my things. Yes it is true that 4 years have passed. I should know, I was there. I was there for every second of those 4 years. But now I am at the end of the definable era. I say definable not to completely mean it as something that defines me but more of something that is well defined in the minds of our society and/or the breakdown of American life. College is that last bastion of youth. Or so you thought.
It really isn't.

 I've come to find that I am still very much the same person, more mature in different settings, but truly the same where it counts. And boy does it count. Could you imagine not being a good person? I can't. I really can't. I am happy that my life is populated by good people. It leads to good experiences and time spent more enjoyably. The most important thing I can tell anyone is to never stop learning. This can be applied in any situation. It should be a nice reminder to never think that you know it all or have it all figured out. I have learned so much and I have acquired the skills to keep learning, possibly in better ways.

This has been a staggering month. From my own personal graduation to sharing time with family and friends to celebrate their big milestones, I have found a refreshed sense of activity. I feel such a positive momentum forward. Even a brilliant skeptic like me has avoided the cynical clouds and has really come to see life for the simple and beautiful thing that it is. Well that was about as deep as I'm willing to go. When are we going to celebrate our post-collegiate era? The out of school party to kick off the Start of Life party??

 Hey guys. You're all great in my book.


Monday, March 19, 2012

The Future Is Now

College is nearing an end. 2 months left. What have we learned? Hopefully a good amount from our respective fields. Besides that. I think we have learned our group has potential to stick together throughout the changing times.

This St. Patrick's Day celebration at Dave&Busters was very fun and entertaining. Reflecting on the conversations I really started noticing the future looming on the horizon. Talk of finding new jobs, careers, buying cars, moving out, the future is here. I always considered 2008 the year of change. Not because of Obama, but because we were entering a new world. College. The group was equally divided among different schools. I was worried everyone would drift apart. How can people stay together when they go from seeing each other 5 days a week to inconsistency? Well I was wrong. Our group's strength never vanquished and we held together. As college progressed there were less and less hangouts, especially with James going abroad and my Finance Association/FDIC duties. But we made it work.

However, we have entered a new year of change, 2012. Hopefully not the end of the world change, but change nonetheless. We are going to be even further removed from our lives and plunged into even greater inconsistency. Where will we all get jobs? Move to? What will our schedules be like then? Marriage!? Who knows when and where, but it will happen soon.

So the question now is, will the group survive? And if so, for how long? Will we still hangout when I am Chairman of the Federal Reserve?

Our frequency of hangouts may dwindle in the coming years. Our lives will most certainly get busier and busier. But in my opinion, I don't think there is anything that could stop the group now. We are too strong, and we can make it through anything. I relish the day when we all turn 65 and climb Half Dome for the 40th time. Our legs may be beyond repair, but our laughter will live on.

In short, if this 2012 year of change divides us even further apart I will be sad. However, I find comfort in the fact that group has made it this long, and shows no sign of stopping.

May God guide us in our quest.